Monday 10 August 2015

The Fun Escape

It was a lovely day The sun was shining and the birds were  sing.Suddenly a plain came towards Me and same people. I run and  wanted to stop but I was so scared I will die.Then I looked back and one of the people got hit from one of the propeller.I was going to cry But I was still running.I got tired then run to the side.I was the only one who was safe.Then I want back home well they where still running from the plain.I hoped they will live.The day after they came back and my family were happy to see them.

here will you fill if it was you.
Go to my blog and tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Latu,
    Nice story I liked how you really put yourself into the story.
    I liked the story right from the start all the way to the end
    Keep up your awesome works
    From Cameo
